Friday, August 15, 2008

Occasiontal Teacher

Yesterday, I went to the TDSB occasional teacher sign-up session in the morning. So once I got my employee number in 2 weeks, I'm officially on the occasional teacher list~ That means I'll start getting calls from schools in September when their teachers are away or sick, and they need supply teachers. But for now, we could only work for Zone 1 schools, which simply means...they're very very far away from where I live. So if I get a call in 6am, I might not even make it on time without rushing. But it's still good news, 'cause at least I can start calling myself a non-unemployed teacher. =P And I'm not too disappointed in not getting a full time job yet either, 'cause so far nobody who graduated with me has gotten a full time teaching post. So I guess that's how the industry & system works for now, and it's no harm starting off as a supply teacher, since we get to go to different schools & different classes, without the responsibilities of planning & assessing yet. ^^