Thursday, January 18, 2007

Dec.20, 06: Christmas Concert

When I arrived at school today, a lot of young students were sitting on the floor outside the office, singing Christmas Carols with the teachers. I really like it, because the students really enjoyed it and had fun with the teachers. It gets them into a happy Christmas mood, too! I came in on a Wednesday because of the band rehearsal, so I left after lunch today.

At night, I came to the concert at 7:00pm. I loved watching the students perform. The concert ended with the Greensborough Faculty Orchestra. This was my first time to perform as a “teacher”, and it is very different than performing as a student. The audience is different, and the position is different. Students, in many situations, perform according to some expectations from the teachers. Teachers, however, perform as role models to the students. We set our own expectations for ourselves. When some students saw me, they called my name and waved at me. It was a very good feeling!

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