Monday, February 22, 2010

Olympics flag

Routines: Stand up and turn around // calendar

This week's theme is Winter Olympics! I started off by telling my students that Olympics happen once in every 4 years, and it happens in different countries. Athletes from around the world gather for an array of events, and although they're here to compete, the most important values of the Olympics is promoting friendship and peace. I told them that this year's Winter Olympics is in Vancouver, Canada, and we're going to learn about the Winter sports~

I read them a colourful picture book called "Snowy Sports -- Ready, set, play!". I LOVE the book! On each page, it shows a different kind of Winter sports -- skiing, skating, bobsleigh, luge, hockey, etc. There's a small box on each corner of the page that shows some of the clothing/gears that we need -- mittens, scarf, sled, hockey stick, etc. The book is informational, beautiful and easy to read. Highly recommended! =)

After sharing the books with the students and hearing lots of comments about skating and skiing, I asked them to go to the table to colour the Olympic flag. There's the word of the colour printed on each circle, but since they don't know how to read yet, I'll have to guide them step by step to use the correct colours. Unfortunately, one of the students had an accident and peed in her pants, and I had to take care of that first. So I changed my plan, and gave them a colouring page of Quatchi, one of the mascots of Vancouver 2010 Olympics. So while they worked on that on their own, I helped the little girl clean and change. When I was done, I collected the colouring papers and handed them the Olympic rings page. Step by step, we coloured the rings, and then I gave each of them a straw to tape at the back of the flags.

The kids are pretty quiet and calm for a Monday, and I'm happy with that. Everybody worked hard and finished their work, I'm proud of them. ^^

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