Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Farmer Plants the Seed

I think the kids are growing to become more respectful for each other and for me, and there's less behaviour problems in class as time goes by. I'm really glad!

I read them a story book about how seeds grow, and then asked them to guess what community helper I'm going to talk about today. Then I taught them the song "The Farmer Plants the Seed":

The farmer plants the seed,
The farmer plants the seed,
Hi-ho and cherry-o,
The farmer plants the seed!

The rain begins to fall,
The sun begins to shine,
The plant begins to grow,
The buds all opened up!

Before I read the story to them, they were a bit noisy, so I waited. When they didn't respond to my waiting, I started speaking really softly, "I'm not going to raise my voice over you, I'm just going to speak softly, and those who are listening should be able to focus and listen to me." So I started reading the story very quietly, and the class slowly began to quiet down and everybody was listening to me. It was amazing!

When we were singing the other songs today, some of them were screaming the words out during the first song. So I told them that we're going to sing the rest of the songs in whispers, and they really did that!

After singing, I taught them how to make a carrot with empty toilet paper rolls, tissue papers, and ribbons. Aside from making the carrots super gluey, I think they were pretty well done!

Tomorrow I'm going to teach them more movements to each of the songs, and keep a focus on singing in tune (at least more in tune than now~) and keeping the rhythm~

Sample carrots:

1 comment:

Ho, Shing Yip 何承業 said...

Hey, i know you have told me everything here before you post it. but interestingly, i always found something inspiring when i read it again. and I must admit that, i missed some of the details when you were talking to me. Is that the weakness of verbal or the power of writing or i am just too tired =P

Anyways i had memories of my teacher tried to do the same, speak softly, trick. but it didn't really work on me. so don't be disappointed when it's not working on some older kid. but as long as you can present an interesting class material and more importantly is which can include kid from different level, you are in good shape.

And I know that you've been worrying about your teaching time being shorten. but you know what, you are a good teacher, i don't see a reason why a school don't want you to teach.