Friday, September 18, 2009

My Book of Feelings (Part 2)

After doing the calendar and singing the songs that I taught the class this week, I sang "If You're Happy and You Know It" with them, adding the verses "if you're sad/silly/angry/excited". As I sang with them, I held the pictures of the different feelings in my hands, to remind them what each feeling looks like in their feeling booklet.

I explained that I've organized a folder for each of them, and that they will bring it home every Friday. The folder contains the work that they've done with me, their sticker page, and some homework for the weekend. They were all so excited about it! I think it's because they feel that they're big, and they have something that belongs to them~

I showed them the photos that I printed for their booklets. I used one of the students' booklet as an example, and showed them that on the happy face page, they'll pick out their own happy face photo and glue it on there, for the "sad" page, they'll find their sad face photo, etc.

Some of them were able to identify their own feelings in the photos, some had problems differenciating happy and excited. One of them, Riley, just glued the photos on randomly, so I had to guide him through it. I think that maybe he doesn't look in the mirror often, and maybe he hasn't seen too many of his own photos, because when I gave him his photos, he asked, "Is this me?"

Other than the mess that they made, it went great! They were very proud of their own work, and loved their own photos! When I showed their books to the parents, they all seemed impressed~

Some of them were done early, so I asked them to go on another table and gave them their folders. I told them to start doing their homework, which is tracing their names and a pattern sheet. I told them that they could flip through their folders to look at their own work, and they were so happy because they're always so proud of what they've done! They always want to take those home, and now it's finally organized and ready to be brought home~

The booklets are very cute, but I can't post the pictures up because of safety issues. =P

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