This is the new song of the day:
Four Little Astronauts
Four little astronauts winking at me,
One blasts off, now there are three.
Three little astronauts with nothing to do,
One blasts off, now there are two.
Two little astronauts afraid of the Sun,
One blasts off, now there is one.
One little astronaut alone is no fun,
He blasts off, now there are none.
It's a fingerplay rhyme, so we started off with holding up 4 fingers, then 3, and so on. Shriyans had trouble making the 3 with his little fingers, so I told him that he has to put his thumb and pinky together and hold the other fingers up. After a bit of struggling, he said, "Look! I made the 3!" Things as simple as holding up a certain number of fingers, things that we take for granted, can be so rewarding for a kid. ^^
For read-aloud, I chose the book "Floating in Space", because our theme is A for Astronaut. I didn't read the book word to word, because it's too long and too descriptive for the kids to understand. Instead, I showed them all the pictures and briefly told them that gravity is a force that pulls us down so we walk instead of float, but this is what astronauts in space do -- FLOAT!
Afterwards, I asked them to finish up the A for Alligator tracing page from yesterday, before making our "night sky" picture~ I asked them when it's at night, and they look up the sky, what do they see. Then we sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars. I gave each of them a black construction paper for the night sky, and gave them glitter, stars stickers and foam to decorate their sky with shiny stars~ I emphasized on not making a mess with the glue, and only one of them used it extensively haha~ It's an improvement!
Sophie's night sky~:
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