Thursday, August 20, 2009

Two Little Birdies

We spent more time singing today than on the previous days. I sang "See the Ladybug" and "Funny Clowns" with the kids, and they remember the words and the movements! After the lesson, little Phillip came to me and said he wanted to show me how to sing the ladybug song! I was so surprised because he hasn't been able to do any of the activities that I planned, but now at least I know that he's engaged in the music~ Nicolette also came to me when we were at the park today, and started singing "Oh Mr.Sun"~ It's moments like this that help me realize that the kids are learning something!

After reviewing the songs, I asked them if they remember what else they saw at the circus other than the clowns. There was a lady who played tricks with the pigeons, so I found a rhyme with actions that I thought we could relate to.

Two Little Birdies

Two little birdies, sitting on the hill.
One named Jack, and one named Jill!
Fly away Jack, fly away Jill~
Come back Jack, come back Jill!

The arts and crafts that I planned was a little bit more challenging for the kids than I predicted it to be. I pre-made the tube for the body, and gave them a template for the body parts of the bird. That's a lot of prep work, but it really pays off when the kids are able to do the craft by themselves! The colouring and cutting was ok for most of them, but the gluing part seemed to be a bit confusing. Next time, maybe I can make some indication on the template of where to put glue~

Gil's birdie:

Maya's birdie:

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