Thursday, September 24, 2009

Our 5 Senses -- Touching

I Have Skin

On my body I have skin,
Feeling cold and heat.
It stretches from atop my head
Way down to my feet.
With a touch, touch here,
And a touch, touch there,
Here a touch, there a touch,
Everywhere a touch, touch.
On my body I have skin,
Feeling cold and heat!

We talked about touching and texture today~ I asked them to describe what different things feel like (e.g. hair, cheek, table, etc.)~ I emphasized on hardness and softness, because they seem to be the most easily differentiated textures. I showed the students cloth, pompoms, tongue depressor, etc., that I found in school. I gave each of them a small sheet of construction paper, and then asked them to glue all the soft things on it. After they were done, I gave them another sheet of paper to glue all the hard things. I helped them put the white glue on the papers this time to avoid messiness, so we could focus on our main learning~ It worked out very well!




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