After reviewing our two new songs, I showed the kids the book < I Like Colours >. I think it's a good book to talk about colours as well as opposites, because it has very colourful illustrations, comparing two different animals (e.g. frogs are quick and turtles are slow) on each page. It's fun just to look at the beautiful pictures too!
We made a colours collage today~ I gave each student a piece of white paper that is divided into 8 rectangles. Then I gave each of them a small piece of construction paper. I asked them to rip it into small pieces, and then I put glue on one of the rectangles for every student, and told them to put all the ripped pieces onto the rectangle. After making sure that everybody had one box full of colour, I told them to choose another colour, rip the construction paper, and glue the pieces onto another box. I helped them apply glue on the first box because I wanted to make sure that they're on the right track. I was expecting them to mix up the colours after I let go and let them do it themselves, but they were very clear with what they were doing! Shriyans and Phillip had some trouble ripping the papers, so I helped them a little bit. But other than that, they were very focused today~ When our lesson time was almost over, most of them had 4 or 6 boxes filled with different colours. So I decided to modify it and cut the last 2 boxes out so their work could be completed~
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